Rüdiger Rossig | Journalist | Novinar

Bosnia and Kosovo - Europe's forgotten protectorates

A documentary by Zoran Solomun and Rüdiger Rossig
Germany 2016, 53 Min.

Since the end of the Yugoslav wars, the European Union has invested Billions in Bosnia and Kosovo to build up a functioning market economy and strengthen the rule of law. But instead, political and religious fundamentalism, corruption and poverty shape everyday live there today - and more and more young, well educated citizens leave for Western Europe


Reports and reactions

taz.die tageszeitung: Scheitern in Exjugoslawien

Der Tagesspiegel: Desaster nach dem Desaster

piqd Kanal Osteuropa: Wo sind die Milliarden?

Junge Welt: Das Schluchzen des Balkans

Balkanblogger: Rüdiger Rossig: "Die Aussagen waren einfach zu dämlich"

Deutsche Welle: Bosnien und Kosovo - Europas vergessene Protektorate

postieri.net: Dokumentari i Rudiger Rossigut

Deutsche Welle: Bosna i Kosovo – zaboravljeni protektorati

Deutsche Welle: 'Bosna i Kosovo - zaboravljeni protektorati'

 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Was der Nahe Osten heute ist, war der Balkan gestern